St Finian’s National School – Parents’ Association

Members of the PA Committee: 

Amanda Brennan: Chair
Edel Walsh: Secretary
Carol Rintoul: Treasurer 

How we can be contacted:

Through the form below or via post box in the school

Goals for our tenure:

– Introduce a speaker series for all parents, whereby we invite speakers to meet with parents and talk on give information on topical subjects such as Bullying & Harassment, Cyber Safety & Mental Health.

– Fund raising: our main fund raising goal since we started as a committee has been to fundraise and purchase technology equipment for the school. We have held several fund raising events to help achieve this goal- the mini marathon in 2017 where we raised €2500, a clothes recycling day in 2017 where we raised €852 and the 2018 school calendar where we raised €3500. 

– Introduce some social activity into the school. We are conscious that activities for children in the village are limited. Considering this and also looking for a new method of fund raising we have held a couple of discos in the school. So far these have been a great success and we hope to hold more in the future. 

– Establish a relationship with the school and its staff. 


As well as working alongside the school on policy development and fund raising we also look after logistics and rental for the school hall, organise refreshments for ceremony of light and communion as well as photographers and videographers for both these occasions also. We also organise the junior photos each year. 

Tesco Blue Token Fundraiser

There is currently a Blue Token Fundraiser in Tesco Rathcoole. – Please support this initiative.

Funds raised in 2018

Womens Mini Marathon St Finians PA

Thanks to everyone who has supported our fundraising efforts to date


    Next meeting: September/October AGM

    Next Event: 22nd June – Senior end of year disco, School Hall (4th to 6th Class students) 7.30 – 9.30 pm